उत्तराखंड शासन | Government of Uttarakhand

Email: mpsportscollege@gmail.com
Ph. No : 0135 – 2788142


(i) To establish Sports Colleges in Uttarakhand providing special education /training of a high Standard with the aim of preparing boys/girls physically and for different sports and games.

(ii) To take steps which may be necessary or expedient for the management and administration of the sports College.

(iii) To prescribe policy for general education, coaching in physical education, Sports an games and for administration of Colleges.

(iv) To purchase, take on lease, accept as gift all license or otherwise acquire any land or building wherever situated in Uttarakhand which may be necessary or convenient for the society.

(v To construct or alter any building which may be necessary for the society.

(vi) To sell, lease, exchange and otherwise all or any portion of the properties of the society.

(vii) To obtain grants from State Government or Central Government or raise funds from other sources for promotion of such Sports College.

(viii) To make, adopt and vary from time to time, rules for conducting the business of the society and administration of the Sports College.

(ix) To draw and accept and make and endorse, discount and negotiate promissory notes, bills of exchange, cheques or other negotiable instrument for the purpose of the society.

(x) To invest the funds of or money entrusted to the Society upon such securities and in such manner as may from time to time be determined by the Board of Management and from time to time sell or transpose such investment.

(xi) To do all other such things as the Society may consider necessary, incidental or conductive to the attainment of the above objects.


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